Year 1
Here, you will be able to find out about all of the amazing things we are learning about in Year 1.
Meet the Team:
Miss Cooke
Mrs Eddington
Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Regan
Mrs Jordan
Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Kirk
Learning Support Assistant
Miss Forbes
Learning Support Assistant
As part of our R.E. topic 'How do we celebrate special times?' Year One will be visiting Beacon Church on the morning of Tuesday 19th November. Please see your child's class teacher if you are able to accompany us.
- PE - Monday - Children to come to school wearing their PE Kit.
- Reading Books - Children to bring reading books and diary into school on Tuesdays.
- Phonics - Children will be given their focus RWI book of the week to read online each week using Oxford Owl.
- Homework - Homework is set on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday using homework books.
Year 1 Curriculum Map
If you would like to know a little more about what the children in Year 1 will be learning about this half term, please refer to our curriculum map document below.
Weekly Reading Champs
Here are our Class Champions
Week 3 : Isla (1C) Arthur (1R)
Week 2: Olivia (1C) Lois (1R)
Week 1: Bella (1C) Malachi (1R)
Support = Alfie (1C) Hallie (1R)
Uniqueness =
Positivity =
Empathy =
Resilience =
Politeness =
Opportunity =
Worthiness =
Equality =
Respect =
Success =
Our Learning Journey
Below you will find out about our learning journey over this term. Please click on any document links for further information.
Useful Links:
Twinkl - Maths Literacy Shed Twinkl - Science White Rose Maths Once Upon a Picture Twinkl - History TopMarks Pobble365 - Stories Twinkl - Geography Times Tables Rock Stars Oxford Owl - Reading Books
Purple Mash - Computing Time Tables - Tackling Tables Twinkl - English Twinkl - P.E Maths Shed
Go Noodle - P.E BBC Bitsize - Maths BBC Bitesize - All Subjects
Please email if logins are needed.
In our English lessons, we will be reading these stories:
- Week 1: What the Ladybird Heard.
- Week 2: The Tiger Who Came to Tea.
- Week 3: Funnybones.
- Week 4: Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
- Week 5: Rosie’s Walk.
- Week 6: Owl Babies.
- Week 7: The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
The children will be introduced to new vocabulary each week and will be able to retell these stories through the sequencing of pictures and writing sentences with time adverbials, for example, first, next, after that and finally.
Spelling, Grammar and punctuation work will include:
- Reading and spelling words with set 1 and 2 sounds.
- Writing sentences with capital letters, full stops and finger spaces independently.
- We will work on our print letter formation and keeping our letters a consistent size.
In our Maths lessons, we are planning to focus on the following topics. However, our plan may be modified following our initial assessment of the children’s current mathematical knowledge.
Place Value - Weeks 2 - 4
- Begin to orally count forwards and backwards up to 50 from any number.
- Identify the number one more and one less than a given number up to 20.
- Read numbers up to 20 in words.
- Write numbers 0-20 using the correct formation.
- Begin to write numbers 0-20 in words.
- Ordering numbers up to 20 and beyond.
- Beginning to understand the value of each digit in a two-digit number.
Addition and Subtraction Weeks 5 - 6
In this topic we are exploring addition and subtraction. The children will be learning to:
- Read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+) and equals (=) signs.
- Add one - digit numbers to 10.
- Use number bonds within 10.
- Subtract one - digit numbers numbers to 10, including zero.
Where in the World are we?
Our curriculum focus for this term is finding out where in the world we live.
During our curriculum lessons, we will explore the human and physical features of the local area and a contrasting non-European country. We will learn about the world using maps, atlases and globes.
As part of the topic, we will identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK and around the world.
We will study the work of the artist Joan Miro and his work on Magical Realism and surrealism and creating our own artwork in his style.
Here is our Curriculum Knowledge Organiser:
Animals Including Humans
In this topic, the children will learn about their senses and how they use them to discover the world. Children will identify and name the basic parts of the human body and recognise the functions of some body parts, including the sense organs. Children will describe and compare common animals, and will recognise and name a variety of animals and their body parts. They will draw comparisons between human and animal body parts. After developing their scientific knowledge the children will then answer our big question: Why do elephants have such big ears?