Year 3
Meet the Team:
Miss Hallsworth
Mrs Farmer
Mrs Bunn
Learning Support Assistant
Year 3 Curriculum Map
If you would like to know a little more about what the children in Year 3 will be learning about this half term, please refer to our curriculum map document below.
Important information
- PE is on Thursday. Please wear the appropriate PE uniform which consists of: white t-shirt; black joggers/leggings; black hoodie/jacket if needed; trainers; hair tied up; and jewellery removed for health and safety reasons. Details involving swimming will be given at a later date.
- Homework will be sent home every Friday and books should be returned no later than the following Thursday.
- Reading records should be handed in and changed at least once a week unless children are reading a large book.
- Children are encouraged to access Reading Plus and Times Tables Rockstars at home and have the appropriate log in details to do so; if there are any problems with logging in, please speak to your child's class teacher.
Here are our Class Champions
This week's Class Champions are -
13th December
3H- Orla
3F- Amber
This Half Term's Star awards-
3H- Garja and Ayda
3F- Maia and Finley O
Reading Awards
This week's reading awards go to -
Our superpower champions are:
Support: Mason & Luca
Uniqueness: Toby & Harry
Positivity: Avril and Liam
Our Learning Journey
Useful Links:
Twinkl - Maths Literacy Shed Twinkl - Science White Rose Maths Twinkl - History TopMarks Pobble365 - Stories Twinkl - Geography Times Tables Rock Stars Oxford Owl - Reading Books
Purple Mash - Computing Time Tables - Tackling Tables Twinkl - English Twinkl - P.E Maths Shed
Go Noodle - P.E BBC Bitsize - Maths BBC Bitesize - All Subjects
These are the book Year 3 are focusing on during Autumn 2. These children are using these stories to support them in writing their own retells, diary entries, letters, instructions and non-chronological reports.
Our curriculum topic for Autumn is the Stone Age to the Iron Age. We will be looking to answer the big question “How did life change from Stone Age to Iron Age?"
In Geography and History, we will be looking at how life changed from the Stone Age to Iron Age using timelines, how food was gathered, farming and their homes. We will also look at Stonehenge and Skara Brae.
Children will have the opportunity to use our virtual reality headsets to explore a range of artefacts and settlements from this time period.
Our science topic for Autumn is animals including humans. We will be looking to answer the big question "What's under our skin?"
In this unit children will understand that plants and animals obtain food in different ways, identify the right types of nutrition needed in a healthy diet, name different skeleton types, identify the main bones in the body and their uses, and explain how muscles work together to enable movement.