Meadow View JMI School

Meadow View JMI School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

Visit our website for information about Meadow View JMI

Frampton Way, Great Barr, Birmingham B43 7UJ

0121 366 6182

Year 5

Query form (Year 5)

Please complete this form with your learning query. Please include your child's name and a return email address.

Year 5


Meet the Team:

Mr Richardson

Mrs Barnett
Learning Support Assistant

Mrs Lewis

Mrs Horne
Learning Support Assistant

Spring 1

We have some exciting things to look forward to this half term, including the NSPPC's number day, our Federation Art day inspired by World Book Day and Peter Pan, as well as a visit from the Vikings!

Year 5 Curriculum Map

If you would like to know a little more about what the children in Year 5 will be learning about this half term, please refer to our curriculum map document below. 


During Summer 1 we will be reading the brilliant 'Malamander' by Thomas Taylor. This mysterious story set in the town of Eerie-on-Sea has gripped our children already and they have produced some amazing writing.

We will be continuing to use our whole-school approach of 'I am a clever writer' and focussing upon new key skills each week.

English homework each week will have a Grammar focus. 


Our Big Question for Science this half term is 'Are all changes reversible?'. We will be looking at states of matter, reversible and irreversible changes and the properties of materials. We will be investigating dissolving, magnetism and thermal conductors in our practical lessons. 


In our Art lessons, we have been looking at the work of abstract artist, Nick Rowlands. The children have created mixed media pictures of volcanoes. We used oil pastels to create our background, focussing on blending colours and creating light and shadow. We then used paint to add the lava explosions to our pictures. I think you will agree, they look amazing!

Design Technology

In our DT lessons this term, we have been researching bridge design. We learnt that triangles and cross-bracing are used to create strong structures.

We then worked in groups to design and build our own earthquake-proof bridges. we then tested them to see if they would withstand an earthquake!!


 We have started the Autumn Term by consolidating our understanding of Place Value. We have been practising representing and partitioning numbers, and have also spent some time learning how to read very large numbers. We will then move on to look at the four operations in our Maths lessons.

Every lesson in Maths starts with our '6 a-day' questions which gives children chance to practice their arithmetic skills.

We are encouraging children to increase the fluency of their mental arithmetic skills by playing Times Tables Rockstars and taking part in our 99 club. All children have logins for TTRockstars so please encourage your children to play at home!



PE is every Thursday afternoon. Please ensure that children come to school in appropriate PE kit and please ask children with ear piercings to remove these, along with any other jewellery, on PE days.


In the Spring Term, our Big Question will be 'Where do British people come from?'. We will be learning all about the Anglo-Saxon and Viking invasions and occupations of Britain. Watch this space for our amazing History work.

Our Big Question for the Autumn Term was 'Why do Natural Disasters happen?'.

We learnt about plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis as well as other Natural Disasters, along with their causes and effects.


Homework will be set every Friday.There will be one maths and one English homework for the children to complete each week. We ask for these to be back in school by the following Wednesday. 

Children who have not completed their homework or those who require support will be invited to complete their homework in school on Thursdays.

Children are also expected to read at home to an adult at least once a week. 

Please see the Y5&6 statutory spelling list below which the children can also practise.

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