Year 2
Here, you will be able to find out more about the amazing learning taking place in Year 2.
Meet the Team:
Miss Yates
Mrs Jones
Learning Support Assistant
Miss Handy
Mrs Hall
learning Support Assistant
Year 2 Curriculum Map
If you would like to know a little more about what the children in Year 2 will be learning about this half term, please refer to our curriculum map document.
Year 2 Knowledge Organisers
Important Information
PE - Tuesday
Key dates
- Homework will be set every Friday to be returned for the following Thursday.
- Reading = phonics book to take home and available on Oxford owl (please ask a Y2 staff member for login details)
Class Champion = Lennie (2H) Declan (2Y)
Reading Champion = Leo (2H) Henry (2Y)
Support =Harper (2H) Leo (2Y) Uniqueness =Benji (2H) Alyssa (2Y) Positivity =Leo (2H)Ronan(2Y)
Empathy = Resilience = Politeness = Opportunity = Worthiness = Equality = Respect = Success =
Our Learning Journey
Below you will find out about our learning journey this term.
Please click on any document links for extra learning.
In English, we are focussing on a book each week, (please see below).
We are retelling stories using adverbials of time, writing diary entries in the first person and completing a non fiction recount of Sister Dora's life.
Spring 1
Somebody Swallowed Stanley
Somebody Crunched Colin
The Day the Crayons Quit
Meerkat Mail
During Maths lessons, we are learning the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This term we are also exploring fractions, time, money and statistics.
We use concrete equipment and pictorial representations to support our learning.
Our curriculum topic for the Spring term starts with a big question
Who has inspired you?
This term, the children will focus on answering the big questions through History, Art and Design and Technology. Children will focus on a number of skills in History to achieve their learning; finding similarities and differences, asking and answering questions, sequence in chronological order, use historical language. In Art, children will understand the work of a notable artist, show pattern and texture by adding dots and lines. In D&T, children will design products that are functional and appealing.
This term our topic starts with the big question
What does a plant need to grow?
Children will explore the following topics to answer their big question above: How seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants. They will investigate what plants need to grow and will find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy. They will carefully observe and sort seeds and will also recognise how some plants are able to grow from bulbs. They will plant a variety of seeds, describing how they grow. Children will have the opportunity to plant seeds and to observe growth. Working scientifically, children will observe seeds and plants using simple equipment.