Art and Design
At Meadow View JMI, we believe that Art and Design fires the imagination.
It allows all children to express their uniqueness, through stimulating their creativity, experimentation and inventiveness.
We aim to inspire the children, using a range of artists and believe that through teaching the art skills and processes, children can express themselves freely. Art gives them the platform to
Autumn – Nursery take part in creating a self-portrait of themselves and explore mixing colours. They use a range of tools and love printing with their hands and fingers. They enjoy creating conker paintings by rolling them in paint as well as creating artwork using natural materials such as leaves as well as leaf rubbings. As part of our learning about nocturnal animals, the children enjoy printing to create hedgehogs. They have loved producing firework paintings and creating fireworks with construction materials.
Spring – In Nursery, the children love to make snowman, snowflakes and icicles using craft materials. They learn about the artist Kandinsky and create printing using 2D shapes. In addition ton this, they love making Chinese lanterns and dragons to celebrate the Chinese New Year. During Easter time, we move on to decorating Easter eggs and creating Easter bonnets. A variety of equipment such as stencils, ribbons, crayons, googley eyes is used to create our very own mini-beasts and spider webs. Also, children thoroughly enjoy painting on one side of a butterfly template and fold to observe the symmetrical pattern create.
Summer – The children enjoy taking part in art and crafts activities linked to the theme of ‘Fairy Tales’. They enjoy creating structures such as bridges linked to ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ using a range of modelling materials as well houses for the ‘Three Little Pigs’. They also have lots of fun, designing and creating gingerbread men using a range of cutters and patterns.
Year 1
Autumn - During the Autumn Term, Year 1 have been inspired by the work of a Spanish artist called Joan Miro.
They have looked at colour mixing and printing to create a magical realist piece of art. For their final piece they made a clay model and used their painting skills to make it colourful.
Spring - Coming Soon :)
Year 3
Autumn - This term the children looked at the work of both Susie Gillespie and Dennis Creffield. Year 3 explored using charcoal and chalk this term and created some lovely line drawings of Stonehenge or other Stone Age buildings. They also practised different techniques for using chalk.
Spring - During the Spring term the Year 3 children learn about the artist Henri Rousseau. They create some observational drawings thinking about how to create light and dark as well as how to make new colours.
Summer- During this term Year 3 learn about two artists. David Hockney and Man Ray. They will learn how to create different tones using pencil, biro and charcoal to then draw an Egyptian Mask.
Year 5
Autumn: In the Autumn Term, Year 5 enjoy looking at a variety of artists who have depicted natural disasters within their work. We look at Nick Rowlands and Andy Warhol's depictions of volcanoes, and then move on to look at Hokusai's Great Wave. We explore using oil pastels and watercolours
Spring - In Spring, we look at textile art inspired by our topic of 'Invaders and Settlers'. Our key artist is Terri Friedman. We explore using textiles and printing
Summer: In Summer, Year 5 we look at the work of Giuseppe Archimbaldo as well as Carl Warner. We use digital media to create artwork and also create work using sculpture and painting.
SRP - The Orchard
Autumn - The Reception children have really enjoyed exploring their mark making skills using paint, chalk and pencils. They have also been sculpting diva lamps using clay.
Spring - Whilst learning about Dinosaurs the children have been creating prints using bubble wrap and dinosaur footprints. They have been practising their cutting skills and have continued the explore mark making using different mediums. They have also been using collaging skills to create dinosaur skeletons.
Year 2
Autumn - Year 2 love learning about Paul Klee. His artwork 'Castle in the Sun' inspires the children to look at print work and create their own printed castle pictures using polystyrene tiles and other resources.
Spring - Year 2 create some incredible work inspired by the Pop artist Roy Lichtenstein. They use 'benday' dots to create texture and compare his work to another famous pop artist, Andy Warhol.
Summer - This term we look at the art work of David Wightman. He uses different textures to create landscape art. We use a range of wallpapers and cut them up, layer them and paint them to create our own landscape picture.
Year 4
Autumn - Year 4 have looked at the artist Isiah Zagar who creates amazing mosaics. They linked this with their learning all about the Romans. The children then designed their own Mosaic.
Spring - During the spring term the Year 4 children have created some wonderful watercolour paintings inspired by the artist Claude Monet.
Year 6
Summer - Year 6 learn about Georgia O’Keefe. Using inspiration from Georgia O'Keefe's work, the children use computers to create digital artwork.