Year 4
Here, you will be able to find out more about the amazing learning taking place in Year 4.
Meet the Team:
Miss Barratt
Mr Wall
Mrs Warner
Learning Support Assistant
Year 4 Curriculum Map
If you would like to know a little more about what the children in Year 4 will be learning about this half term, please refer to our curriculum map document below.
Reading Champions
Each week we choose two children who have shown how they have used their reading skills to enhance their reading ability.
A big well done to:
Oscar and Parker in 4B for his fantastic efforts in his reading of longer texts. Keep it up boys.
Tommy and Leven in 4W for their fantastic reading skills so far. Well done boys!
Class Champions
Well done to...
Jessica for her fantastic efforts in our swimming lessons.
Nate for also his fantastic efforts in our swimming lessons.
Rosie in 4B for always being supportive of her friends and teachers in the classroom.
Joseph for your amazing teamwork in our Music lessons.
Poppi for your fabulous attitude.
Wade for your fantastic attitude.
Rosie for your fantastic maths work.
Carson for your great perseverance.
Oscar for your great handwriting effort.
Jaxson for your fantastic input during English lessons.
Lola for being a superstar in our class assembly.
Jaxson for your fantastic lead role in our class assembly.
Thalia for always making me look forward to your Star Write.
Joey in 4W for his fantastic efforts so far in Year 4.
Avneet in 4W for also her fantastic effort and attitude so far in Year 4.
Madison in 4W for a great start so far.
Ernie for his great effort.
Superpower Legends
Vogue George - Resilience
Well done Vogue in 4B for her resilience in her work this half term.
Lottie Hayes - Resilience
Well done in 4W for showing their resilience throughout their school day.
Our Learning Journey
Below you will find out about our learning journey over the last term. Please click on any document links for further information.
In English, Year 4 have been reading 'The Spiderwick Chronicles' by Holly Black and Tony Diterlizzi.
See below some of our Star Writes and skill work throughout our learning. Our skills so far have been:
- Conjunctions (so, and, but, or, nor, for)
- Subordinating Conjunctions (when, although, because, however)
- Time and place openers
- Using short sentences to create tension.
- Manner openers
- Similes to compare
If you would like to know a little more about how we teach Maths in Year 4, please refer to the document below.
Curriculum - Water Cycle
Our second topic in Curriculum is 'Why do Rivers Flood?'
We will be answering our Big Question through a variety of work. See pictures of our work below.
Science - States of matter
Keep your eye on this section as we begin to gather information in order to answer the Big Question:
'Why do puddles disappear?'