Meadow View JMI School

Meadow View JMI School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

Visit our website for information about Meadow View JMI

Frampton Way, Great Barr, Birmingham B43 7UJ

0121 366 6182


  1. News
  2. Bikeability in Year 6

Bikeability in Year 6

3 June 2019 (by Jason Wedge (jwedge))

Walsall Council’s Road Safety Team are coming to school on either 20th June/21st June or 8th July/9th July or 11th July/12th July to deliver the National Standard cycle training course, Bikeability, to the pupils of 6.

Walsall Council’s Road Safety Team are coming to school on either 20th June/21st June or 8th July/9th July or 11th July/12th July to deliver the National Standard cycle training course, Bikeability, to the pupils of 6.

The course will take place over two full school days. The first day will start with a session on school grounds to assess the pupil’s capabilities and suitability to progress with the course and continue with training on the highway utilising junctions in the locality of the school.

Should your child wish to take part on the Bikeability course we would be grateful if you could complete the attached slip below and return it to school by Monday 10th June Due to the numbers allowed on the course at any one time places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. If there are a significant number of pupils who are unsuccessful securing a place on the course we shall look to hold another course at a later date.

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