Welcome back6 September 2019 (by Jason Wedge (jwedge)) |
Mrs Adair welcomes back all pupils, parents and staff.
Welcome back, I hope you have all have had a lovely summer holiday and that you managed to get some well-earned rest and family time. It is another exciting year and we are all looking forward to working with you to ensure your child/children have another successful and happy year at Meadow View.
We have had some staff changes and I would like to take this opportunity to welcome four new members of staff to our family; Miss Z Ajaz (Y3 teacher), Mr L Wall (Sports Coach), Miss H Swift (Lunchtime Play leader) and Mrs J Nottingham (Lunchtime Supervisor); I know we will all make them all very welcome.
We have had two fantastic and busy teacher training days carrying out the following activities: Monday we developed the 2019-20 vision for our school, completed our safeguarding training and then prepared the school environment for the children. Tuesday we began to develop our new and very exciting curriculum. There are going to be some ‘WOW’ moments and some exciting end of project ‘BANGS’, just wait and see!
It was an absolute joy to stand on the gate on Wednesday morning to welcome the children back into school and to see so many happy smiley faces bouncing into school. They have all made a fantastic start and we are all very proud of their excellent attitudes to learning. We are also incredible proud of the Nursery and Reception children who have settled into school really well. It was a delight to see them sitting listening to their teachers and then engaging so positively in activities. Well done everyone!
Over the school holidays, lots of redevelopment work has been completed and I would particularly like to thank Mrs Roberts and Mr Currie for all their hard work in ensuring that this all went smoothly. The Year 1 classrooms have been redecorated and refurbished and both look amazing. Our nurture room is nearly complete and the dining room and corridor to Y1 and Reception have been painted. The EYFS outdoor learning area is looking lovely and now has new tarmac and artificial grass. Equipment to support children’s outdoor learning has been brought and it is now looking like an exciting place for the children to play and learn. We have also had several paths re tarmacked, windows and the KS1 veranda cleaned, and the front of the school landscaped. As you can see, it has been a busy 6 weeks, but we are delighted with how our environment is improving year on year!